Access Financial Services Limited was established in 2000 and was listed on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange in 2009. Access is one of the leading providers of personal and business loans to Jamaica’s Microfinance Sector. Access operates through an island-wide retail network of eighteen (18) branches. The Company’s Head Office is located at 41B Half-Way Tree Road, Kingston 5.
Since inception, Access has disbursed in excess of J$15 billion in loans to the Microfinance Sector; a sector which contributes significantly to economic growth. The Company’s micro business clients operate in the Service, Manufacturing, Trading and Agriculture sectors.
Our Vision - Access Financial Services Limited, the leading financial services provider, is a highly profitable employer of choice, serving exceptionally satisfied customers while being focused, innovative and prudent.
Our Mission - To offer exceptional value to stakeholders by providing financial services to micro-entrepreneurs and individuals underserved by traditional providers. This will be achieved by a customer-centric, highly competent and committed team providing superior services tailored to our customers' needs.

Customer First
Caring Environment
Continuous Improvement

Personal Loans
Personal Loans are unsecured and are repaid through salary deduction or Automatic Clearing House (ACH) via NCB and BNS. Personal loans are granted to applicants who have been permanently employed to an approved company for at least six (6) months*. Loan amounts range between J$10,000 and J$2.5M, and loan tenure range between three (3) months and five (5) years.
Personal Loan Products
Access Cash
Access Payroll Express
Access Advance
Government Cash
Government Agency
Business Loans
Business Loans are granted to micro, small and medium sized business operators who have been in business for at least six (6) months*. Business Loans may be used for working capital support or for the purchase of fixed assets. Loan amounts range between J$10,000 for and J$1.5M for Microbiz loans and between J$1.5M and J$20M for SME loans. Microbiz oan tenure range between three (3) months and three (3) years and SME loans can be borrowed for up to 5 years.
Business Loan Products
Partner Loan
Micro Biz Loan
PPV Maintenance Loan
Green Energy Loan
AgroBiz Loan
Automobile Loan